Thursday 16 February 2017

Can you trust someone who trust your enemy?

"Trust no friend with that you need to fear him if he was your enemy"    
                                                                                                                     -George Herbert

Don't everyone just hate it when your best friend is being friendly to your enemy or the person whom you dislike the most? This feeling is the most annoying feeling in the world. You feel like you want to break everything into tiny pieces. You feel like punching the your friend. Moreover you feel like punching yourself because you think there is something you lack which is the reason why your bestie goes and talk to the most hated person, or a group of people, according to you.She just goes and vomits everything to the hated person or group that you feel like they have things can they can use against you. Sometimes its not only just one person who you hate the most, but its the whole group of your best friend's friends that you hate. There could be many reasons behind it:
1. You feel jealous- jealously does not only happens in relationships, it can make its way anywhere. jealously in friendship occurs when your best friend goes and talks to someone you hate or a group of people you hate. You feel left out. You feel like the person or the group ,who was a stranger yesterday, is taking your place in your best friends life. You feel like you are not important anymore to your bestie because your bestie is telling those things to the hated stranger or the hated group that she should be telling to you
2. something happened with them in your past- maybe you picked up a fight with someone or maybe your ex, you hate the person for what he did to you in past. This kind of hate is the strongest one. In this when your best friend goes and talks to the hated group, the volcano that was dormant, suddenly erupts and you are angry within a spilt second. This anger grows even more when your best friend is laughing or enjoying with them, more than she does with you
These are the indicators that you should go and console your best friend about how you feel about a specific person or a group of people. If your best friend understands your feeling behind it then its good for both of you. but if she don't, then its time to fine new best friend. 

Saturday 4 February 2017

Is it a Fairy Tale?

"Once a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives you a fairy tale."

That is the quote which perfectly describes how love is. One day everyone will meets their price charming who will treat you like a princess. That day will be the day when your ordinary life will be a fairy tale.
Love is one of the most wonderful feelings one can ever experience. To love and desire to be loved are the basic human traits. Everyone is in search for true love. Some find it early, some may find it late, but everybody do find it. 
There are different circumstances where people find the one and only for them. Some might find it in the library, some might find it in a party, some in the cafeteria, and someone’s friend might have told them, some on the internet, and some in school and so on. The moment you find the one you feel different. The way you talk to them is the way you never thought you would ever talk like. Whenever they will say your name you will feel butterflies fluttering in you. You will care about them more than you do about you. Whenever they will get a minor bruise, you will be the one feeling more pain than them. You will feel like your whole world revolves around them. Everything they do, makes you love them more. You love every flaw of theirs. You will find them perfect without flaws. You will do anything to make them happy as seeing them happy will make you happier. Everything you will do will be just for them.
Not only you but they will also be there for you and it would be easily visible. They will know more about you than you do about yourself. They will know how to make you happy. They will show that they care about you in every way possible. They will fight demons for you. They will do anything just to protect you and be with you. 

The moment you find you prince charming, you will enter a fairy tale of your own.