Thursday 2 March 2017

Best friends are like human diaries

"Things get less scary when you are with best friends"

According to Wikipedia best friends may refer to "someone who shares the strongest bond of friendship with you." But for me, the definition is incomplete.
Best friends,according to me, are those you are your human diaries. they are someone with whom you can be yourself. someone who is there to help you to move on from your ex or someone who tells you how to solve fights with your partner. they are those kind of people who agree with you even when you sound stupid. they don't let you do things alone. they are always there for you.
not only this, they are always there to protect you. they always stand by your side. even if you don't need help, they will help you. they are those people that knows darkest of your secrets because they are trustworthy more than anyone. they will do anything to make you feel "YOU". they will cheer you up when you are sad over something. they will go and fight with the person who hurt you. they will even give you suggestions on how could you go and talk to your crush with sounding too clingy. not only them, you will also do the same. you will do anything for your best friend.
this feeling of friendship is something you wont get from anyone else. not from your mother or your father or your brother or your sister or even your boyfriend or girlfriend. having a best friend in life is as important as having food. one could never survive without a best friend no matter how good the conditions are with him. 

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