Thursday 31 December 2015


happy amazing new year all
new year means forgetting all the problems of the past year and starting new. new year means stepping into a new chapter of your life. its your life's chapter so it depends upon you how you should write it, who you should invite in your chapter and everything you want to do you should.

many of you have new year resolutions. I have none. I don't know why I don't have any but its the first time I have no new year resolutions. i had no idea what i should make as a resolution. i was out of ideas.

I hope you new years resolutions come true and hope you have a good and amazing new year.
write to me
tell me about your new year resolutions or anything you want to talk about. i will give you twitter so we could talk there. just email you twitter and i will follow you then we could be internet friends.

Monday 28 December 2015

Road Trips


ROAD TRIPS- The best way to remove stress is to go on a road trip. Going on a road trip means forgetting all the problems and enjoying yourself. road trips are fun. you could go anywhere in car cheaply. you could bang your head with the beats of music while its on full volume. you could discover new roads and ways to get to your undecided destination. having an road trip with undecided destination is more fun as compared to an decided destination one. road trips are unpredictable, unstructured and  offers a better chance of adventures. going on a road trip with friends helps in bonding. family will become a bigger priority. you could play pranks on your friends while they have drifted to sleep. you could draw a moustache or cover the face with whip cream or ketchup. Road trips are human safaris. while in a plane you could not see the beauty but in a car during a road trip you could see the natures beauty. so one should keep a camera handy while on a road trip. road trips cant be delayed. traffic? Who cares. all you got to do is enjoy yourselves.

It's not always about the destinantion...journey is what matters the most...and road-trips let you soak in all the beauty along the way. Now you don't have to miss that water-fall on your way, just stop your car and enjoy a little before hitting the road again.make the most of it and hit the road in that car!
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Wednesday 23 December 2015


JEALOUSY-Everyone gets jealous. Some get jealous of other peoples money. some get jealous of other peoples relationships. kids get jealous of other peoples toys. students get jealous of other peoples marks. Everyone have something to get jealous of.
I feel jealous when someone is with my best friend and my best friend is spending more time with someone else instead of me. I feel sad. I feel jealous of the person with whom my best friend is spending time with. I feel like I have done something wrong. but at the end everything is fine.

if you face the same thing. If your best friend is also spending time with someone else then no need to feel jealous, just go and ask her that have you done something wrong? if the person is your best friend he/she will not hesitate to answer you why is he/she spending more time with other people.

other thing I get jealous of is when someone is being all flirty with my boyfriend even is she knows that he is my boyfriend. I start doubting my boyfriend and then we end up having a fight.

if you also saw someone flirting with your boyfriend, don't hesitate to ask him about the truth. if he truly loves you he will tell you everything honestly.

jealously is something that destroys everything, so instead of being jealous go to person and clear things out.
write to me if you are jealous. we can find the solution together.
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Saturday 19 December 2015

Enemy or Fake Friend?

Enemy or Fake Friend?-we all have friends, best friends, enemies and those kinds of friends who you hate. A friend is someone who you love but if you hate someone how could that person be called your friend? That's where come the fake friend. We all have that one fake friend who is supporting us in our happiness but goes to Narnia when we are sad. Everyone has one fake friend but how would we get to know that our friend is actually a friend or a fake friend?

While talking to the person who you suspect to be your fake friend ask yourself few questions. If the person says I care about you then ask yourself where was that person when you were ill? Or where was that person when you were going through a massive break up? If the person says I am happy for you ask yourself is the person really happy or she is just saying for your sake? You could also notice that when you call your fake friend is she always busy or she has time for you.
Fake friends are of various kinds. Like some friends hate you from the beginning but since you are rich they are still your friends or you the most popular person in school so that's why they are your friends. One reason might be that you get good grades or have a nice impression on every teacher.

A person is always alert of the moves made by his enemies, ready to defend himself from any attack, emotionally or physically, from them. With friends, it’s the matter of trust. There is no curtain on emotions and weakness in front of friends, we are totally open to them and if these friends turn out to be fake- to be foe than they can hurt us most deeply, the wounds that last for life.

Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you but the fake friend that hugs you!
write to me if you doubt you friends and are not able to understand if they are fake
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Thursday 17 December 2015

I am a TOMBOY and I am PROUD OF IT

Insecurity - the thing everyone has. everyone has something to be insecure. some are insecure about their weight, their looks, their age, their height, eye color etc. everyone feel insecure.

even I do. I feel insecure about the way I speak, the way I walk, the way I dress. I am a tom boy. I don't like pinks, floral skirts and few other girly things. the students in my school use to make fun of me by saying 'its not she, its he".  students used to say that I act like this because I want to get closer to boys. students used to say I am a pig because I eat a lot. all these things started to get me. I started feeling insecure about me. so I started dressing more like a girl. wearing heels instead of sneakers or wearing a pink dress. doing all these things made me feel uncomfortable. nothing changed doing all these things. even though I started wearing heels and pink dresses, the talking behind my back was still on. now the students used to say that i dress like that to impress boys. they even used to say that i am only doing this to show off. so nothing changed. i felt like if nothings going to change why should i? i again became a tomboy and ignored what other people were saying.
Insecurity is one of the aspect that a person would probably fall. They tried to be something they never used before and tries to compete among others. insecurity looses self-confidence and will make a person pathetic or paranoid but insecurities has always cure just try to love oneself.
write to me if you also face or faced the same problem
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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Scares me to death


FEAR- The fear I will be talking about is not fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of dark etc. the fear I will be talking about is the fear of loosing something or someone.

There are things in life that no one want to lose. Like there is a favourite pair of sock that is important or there is a t-shirt that you love more than any other clothing. There are the things that means a lot to you ignoring the fact that how old they are or how torn they are. You get feelings for clothes.

And if you lost your favourite you feel anguished. You start searching for them everywhere in the house. You start throwing the pillows. You mess the bedsheets. You start tossing things here and there. All you want to do is to find your favourite no matter what happens.

This is one kind of fear I am scared of. I have a dress that I love more than anything. I keep a check on it to make sure there. And when I don't find it in the correct place, i feel snappy.

This is one kind of fear.the other kind id losing someone

Now this is a kind of fear that scares me to death.

There are people who mean a lot to you and when you loose them you feel like you want to it anyone you love your parents, your siblings or even your crush. The fear of loosing all of them is worst. You feel downhearted when your parents stop talking to your. Or you feel gloomy after a fight with your sibling. You feel glum or low spirited when you have had a fight with your crush and you both stopped talking.

For me the worst fear is losing my father. i feel awfully miserable when he scolds me and stops talking to me. the feeling is even worse than a break up.

Loosing is a part of life, When you start loosing that means you are going the correct way. 
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Monday 14 December 2015

Its all about MUSIC

Music is the best thing invented by man so far. It helps you in forgetting your problems. The support music gives or the way music helps is something that no one could ever do. The aura crated by music is so beautiful that it make you feel like you are flying. If you go deeply into music, you would not feel yourself. Music boosts you and you get interest in doing your work. In fact I am currently listening to music and I am just writing whatever I feel right now.
No matter how heartbroken you are, music is always there for you.
If I am happy and I listen to music, it doubles my happiness. If I am sad and I listen to music, it makes me cheerful. No matter what you feel, music will always make you happy.
There are so many things music can do. It decreases the stress. Music keeps you relaxed. Music even decreases headaches. Music is a gift created by man that people appreciate. You could be problem less and stress-free. All you need to do is pull out your headphones with iPod and let music find the solution of your problem. 
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you can send me your problems so that we can discuss about it and find a solution to it. and also you can give me new ideas about my blog and also tell me how do you find my blog.

Sunday 13 December 2015

About my Blog

TEENAGE JOURNAL - As the name says it is about teens. This blog will be about how I am my teenage years. the mistakes I am doing, the achievements I am getting , and the problems I am facing as a teenager. I think I am starting this blog at correct stage as I just started my teen years. Its for all those who are 13 are being told to focus on their future, for all those who are being told to focus on studies, to focus on what they have to become when they grow old. believe me everyone faces the same things as one enters teenage. The pressure suddenly increases. No one prepares you about the pressure of teenage. I am only 13 and I feel like I am done with my life already. As you enter teen you have to pull up your socks up and you don't have to let them do down. One big mistake and you down in dump. Everyone will ask you questions, everyone will start giving you free advices. You will get confused. With all this confusion going, some of you will also have "crush" on the cute boy in your math class that will distract you.

i will be blogging about all the problems as a teenager i face in my day to day life, so that when you come across the same problem you already have a solution. I also like reading books so I would also be writing about the books.

write to me
you can send me your problems so that we can discuss about it and find a solution to it. and also you can give me new ideas about my blog and also tell me how do you find my blog.