Saturday 19 December 2015

Enemy or Fake Friend?

Enemy or Fake Friend?-we all have friends, best friends, enemies and those kinds of friends who you hate. A friend is someone who you love but if you hate someone how could that person be called your friend? That's where come the fake friend. We all have that one fake friend who is supporting us in our happiness but goes to Narnia when we are sad. Everyone has one fake friend but how would we get to know that our friend is actually a friend or a fake friend?

While talking to the person who you suspect to be your fake friend ask yourself few questions. If the person says I care about you then ask yourself where was that person when you were ill? Or where was that person when you were going through a massive break up? If the person says I am happy for you ask yourself is the person really happy or she is just saying for your sake? You could also notice that when you call your fake friend is she always busy or she has time for you.
Fake friends are of various kinds. Like some friends hate you from the beginning but since you are rich they are still your friends or you the most popular person in school so that's why they are your friends. One reason might be that you get good grades or have a nice impression on every teacher.

A person is always alert of the moves made by his enemies, ready to defend himself from any attack, emotionally or physically, from them. With friends, it’s the matter of trust. There is no curtain on emotions and weakness in front of friends, we are totally open to them and if these friends turn out to be fake- to be foe than they can hurt us most deeply, the wounds that last for life.

Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you but the fake friend that hugs you!
write to me if you doubt you friends and are not able to understand if they are fake
you can give me new ideas about my blog and also tell me how do you find my blog

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