Tuesday 15 December 2015

Scares me to death


FEAR- The fear I will be talking about is not fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of dark etc. the fear I will be talking about is the fear of loosing something or someone.

There are things in life that no one want to lose. Like there is a favourite pair of sock that is important or there is a t-shirt that you love more than any other clothing. There are the things that means a lot to you ignoring the fact that how old they are or how torn they are. You get feelings for clothes.

And if you lost your favourite you feel anguished. You start searching for them everywhere in the house. You start throwing the pillows. You mess the bedsheets. You start tossing things here and there. All you want to do is to find your favourite no matter what happens.

This is one kind of fear I am scared of. I have a dress that I love more than anything. I keep a check on it to make sure there. And when I don't find it in the correct place, i feel snappy.

This is one kind of fear.the other kind id losing someone

Now this is a kind of fear that scares me to death.

There are people who mean a lot to you and when you loose them you feel like you want to die.be it anyone you love your parents, your siblings or even your crush. The fear of loosing all of them is worst. You feel downhearted when your parents stop talking to your. Or you feel gloomy after a fight with your sibling. You feel glum or low spirited when you have had a fight with your crush and you both stopped talking.

For me the worst fear is losing my father. i feel awfully miserable when he scolds me and stops talking to me. the feeling is even worse than a break up.

Loosing is a part of life, When you start loosing that means you are going the correct way.

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