Sunday 13 December 2015

About my Blog

TEENAGE JOURNAL - As the name says it is about teens. This blog will be about how I am my teenage years. the mistakes I am doing, the achievements I am getting , and the problems I am facing as a teenager. I think I am starting this blog at correct stage as I just started my teen years. Its for all those who are 13 are being told to focus on their future, for all those who are being told to focus on studies, to focus on what they have to become when they grow old. believe me everyone faces the same things as one enters teenage. The pressure suddenly increases. No one prepares you about the pressure of teenage. I am only 13 and I feel like I am done with my life already. As you enter teen you have to pull up your socks up and you don't have to let them do down. One big mistake and you down in dump. Everyone will ask you questions, everyone will start giving you free advices. You will get confused. With all this confusion going, some of you will also have "crush" on the cute boy in your math class that will distract you.

i will be blogging about all the problems as a teenager i face in my day to day life, so that when you come across the same problem you already have a solution. I also like reading books so I would also be writing about the books.

write to me
you can send me your problems so that we can discuss about it and find a solution to it. and also you can give me new ideas about my blog and also tell me how do you find my blog.

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